Spencer Mai’s Phone Number 920-213-6066
Reservation Polices
Members will be responsible for arranging their own tennis games. Contact Spencer if you cannot fill out a game and we will do our best to help fill the game.
Members can only reserve 1 court at a time between the hours of 9 am - 12 pm. If you would like to reserve more than 1 court during this time please contact Spencer and he will see what he can do. An administrator will remove your reservation if you reserve more than 1 court during this time.
Members may reserve 2 courts at a time after 12 pm. (Courts may be closed occasionally from 12 pm - 2 pm for maintenance)
You may reserve a court up to 7 days in advance.
When making a reservation make sure to put your name and the name of anyone playing with you in the title or notes of your reservation.
Once committed to play in a game it will be the members responsibility for finding a replacement player if they need to cancel. Contact Spencer if you are unable to find a replacement.
All courts must be reserved, either online or by phone. You will be asked to relinquish the court if you are on a court during another member's reservation time.
All members must follow Trillium's Guest Policy. Guest are only allowed to use Trillium Amenities 6 times per year. This does not include times that Spencer invites a guest to play in order to fill a game.
Above are links to sign up for tennis events through signup genius as well as a
Tennis player directory and a Pickleball player directory to help facilitate finding matches.